Best whatsapp featurest you were not knowing 2019

Do you know there are many features you don't know in whatsapp.

You would wonder if you see those features to see, also you could show your friends with their faces be like surprising...

Bit 1» Getting unvisible and not viewed.

 The first trick came here to become unvisible... Actually this means - whenever you see other status they would not know you have seen their status, this also features not viewed means not blue tick while chatting... Okk here we go..

 Step 1» Open your whatsapp and go to settings as shown in picture...

 Step 2» Then go to Account section  as shown...

 Step 3» Here a menu will appear go to Privacy as shown...

 Step 4» As you will look down a option will be available of Read Receipt turn it on. You have to turn it off.


 Now you are all set to go annonyms in whatsapp..


Caution:-  By applying this option you also wont be able to see who are viewing your status...


Bit 2» Control your status privacy.

Nowadays status sharing has been our hobby. We love to share our pics, messages and vedios in what'sapp status. But sometimes we think that our status shouldn't be seen by our family member, friends or a particular person. This can be set-up by doing some changes in status privacy.

Step 1»   Open your whatsapp and click on status option (beside the chat button).

 Step 2»  Tap on ... (three dots) availabe at the top-right corner. A popup menu will appear.

  Step 3» Go to Status Privacy and select your desired option.

Option details:- 
•My contacts» In this option you can allow all contacts to see your status.
•My contacts except...» In this option you can choose which people of your contact will not receive your status updates.
•Only share with» In this option you can choose which people of your contact will receive your status updates.


Bit 3» Getting secured in whatsapp.

Yes, the whatsapp has inbuilt security which is Open Whisper Systems, a company that has its own fully secure messaging app Signal (for iOS and Android) that assures you end-to-end encryption and secures your account. But sometimes maybe your phone can get accessed by the third-party.
So, if you think to get your security more powerful you can use the option two-factor-authentication provided by whatsapp.
Follow below to get it...

Step 1»  Open your whatsapp and go to setting.

Step 2» Go to Account section.

Step 3» Go to two-step-verification.

Step 4»  Tap on Enable option. And fill the password you want. Also you give your e-mail id to get your most security that will help you if you forgot your password.

Note» The two-step-verification is used to get security code everytime you change your whatsapp in another device
(ios, android, pc etc:)


Bit 4» Use Enter key to send.

Want to be extra-fast. Then you could use enter key to send messages instead of using green send icon. To use this feature follow the given steps.

Step 1» Open your whatsapp, and go to setting.

Step 2» Go to chats. A popup menu will appear.

Step 3» The first option available is used to send messages using enter key. So turn it on.
Now you can send messages using enter key.  


Bit 5» Check what you have shared and stored memory.

Step 1» Open your whatsapp, and go to setting.

Step 2» Go to Data and storage usage.

Step 3» Go to Storage usage.
You will get all the storage information with particular contact using your storage.


Bit 6» know if you are blocked.

Last but not the least, here we come about blocking. If you think you are blocked by someone but don't know how to check whether you are blocked or not. If these indications shows then you have been blocked.

Tip 1» You will be no longer able to see the contact person's last seen or online in the chat window.

Tip 2» You won't be able to see updates of the contact's profile photo.

Tip 3» Any messages sent to a contact who has blocked you will always show one check mark (message sent), and never show a second check mark (message delivered).

Tip 4» Any calls you attempt to place will not go through.

Tip 5» Last one is make a group of your own and add that person. If, that person is being added then it means that the person has not blocked you but if it doesn't get added to the group it  means the person has blocked you.

Thank you,

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